Eurokod 8: Dimensionering av bärverk med avseende på jordbävning - Del 4: Silor, behållare och rörledningar
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StandardSvensk standard
SS-EN 1998-4:2006
Eurokod 8: Dimensionering av bärverk med avseende på jordbävning - Del 4: Silor, behållare och rörledningar
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(1) The scope of Eurocode 8 is defined in EN 1998-1:2004, 1.1.1 and the scope of this Standard is defined in this clause. Additional parts of Eurocode 8 are indicated in EN 1998-1:2004, 1.1.3. (2) This standard specifies principles and application rules for the seismic design of the structural aspects of facilities composed of above-ground and buried pipeline systems and of storage tanks of different types and uses, as well as for independent items, such as for example single water towers serving a specific purpose or groups of silos enclosing granular materials, etc. (3) This standard includes the additional criteria and rules required for the seismic design of these structures without restrictions on their size, structural types and other functional characteristics. For some types of tanks and silos, it also provides detailed methods of assessment and verification rules. (4) This standard may not be complete for those facilities associated with large risks to the population or the environment, for which additional requirements are the responsibility of the competent authorities. This standard is also not complete for those construction works which have uncommon structural elements and which require special measures to be taken and special studies to be performed to ensure earthquake protection. In those two cases the present standard gives general principles but not detailed application rules. NOTE The National Annex may specify additional requirements for facilities associated with large risks to the population or the environment. (5) Although large diameter pipelines are within the scope of this standard, the corresponding design criteria do not apply for apparently similar facilities, like tunnels and large underground cavities.
Eurokod 8: Dimensionering av bärverk med avseende på jordbävning - Del 4: Silor, behållare och rörledningar
Prenumerera på standarder med tjänst SIS Abonnemang. Genom att prenumerera får du effektiv åtkomst till gällande standarder och säkerställer att ditt företag alltid har tillgång till senaste utgåvan.
Läs mer om SIS Abonnemang