Standard Svensk standard · SS-EN 60598-2-24

Ljusarmatur - Säkerhet - Del 2: Särskilda fordringar på armatur med begränsad yttemperatur

Status: Upphävd

· Ersätts av: SS-EN 60598-2-24
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Standard Svensk standard · SS-EN 60598-2-24

Ljusarmatur - Säkerhet - Del 2: Särskilda fordringar på armatur med begränsad yttemperatur
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This section of IEC 60598-2 specifies requirements for luminaires intended for use where the necessity of limited temperature on the outer surface exists, due to the risk of combustible dust accumulating on the luminaires, but where the risk of explosion in the atmpsphere does not exist. The luminaires are for use with electric light sources on supply voltages not exceeding 1000 V. This standard specifically excludes requirements for luminaires for use in explosive gas atmospheres and explosive dust atmosphere. A special limitation of the temperature of luminaires likely to be covered by combustible dust applies, for instance in locations where textile materials are processed or stored and in spaces where combustible dust, for instance colour powder, wood dust, grain dust, flour and textile dust, are accumulated in large quantities but where the risk of explosion does not exist.


Ljusarmaturer (29.140.40)

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Standard Svensk standard · SS-EN 60598-2-24

Ljusarmatur - Säkerhet - Del 2: Särskilda fordringar på armatur med begränsad yttemperatur
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Pris: 196 SEK
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Pris: 196 SEK
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Språk: Engelska


Internationell titel: Luminaries - Part 2: Particular requirements - Section 24: Luminaires with limited surface temperatures

Artikelnummer: STD-24617

Utgåva: 1

Fastställd: 1999-02-26

Antal sidor: 10

Ersätter: SS 4311271 , SS 4311271

Ersätts av: SS-EN 60598-2-24