Standard Svensk standard · SS-EN ISO 15265:2004

Ergonomi för termiskt klimat - Riskbedömningsstrategi för förebyggande av belastning eller obehag vid termiska arbetsförhållanden (ISO 15265:2004)

Status: Gällande

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Standard Svensk standard · SS-EN ISO 15265:2004

Ergonomi för termiskt klimat - Riskbedömningsstrategi för förebyggande av belastning eller obehag vid termiska arbetsförhållanden (ISO 15265:2004)
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Provläs denna standard
This International Standard describes a strategy for assessing and interpreting the risk of physiological constraints, or of discomfort, while working in a given climatic environment.
It is applicable in any working situation with steady or varying conditions of the climate, metabolic rate or clothing.
This International Standard does not describe a single procedure, but a strategy in three stages that can be used successively to gain deeper insight in the working conditions, as it is needed to draw the most appropriate conclusions about the risk involved and identify the best control and prevention measures.
It is definitely oriented towards the prevention and/or control of these working problems in the heat or cold. The risk of heat or cold disorders and/or discomfort is therefore assessed only to the extent that it is required to reach this goal.
However, users must comply with national legislations that may require that risk assessment be performed more systematically.
As the strategy is oriented towards prevention and the design of the working conditions, it concerns an average subject. At the last step of each stage of the strategy, interindividual differences are taken into consideration through medical supervision (in the short term) and surveillance (in the long term).
The International Standards on which this strategy is based include, however, already some degree of safety, as their limits and/or recommendations tend to protect the majority of the fit workers.


Ergonomi - Termiskt klimat (12.030) Ergonomi (13.180)

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Standard Svensk standard · SS-EN ISO 15265:2004

Ergonomi för termiskt klimat - Riskbedömningsstrategi för förebyggande av belastning eller obehag vid termiska arbetsförhållanden (ISO 15265:2004)
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Språk: Engelska

Framtagen av: Belastningsergonomi, SIS/TK 380/AG 01

Internationell titel: Ergonomics of the thermal environment - Risk assessment strategy for the prevention of stress or discomfort in thermal working conditions (ISO 15265:2004)

Artikelnummer: STD-37828

Utgåva: 1

Fastställd: 2004-11-05

Antal sidor: 26