Standard Svensk standard · SS-EN ISO 945-1:2018

Mikrostruktur i gjutjärn - Del 1: Grafitklassificering genom visuell provning (ISO 945-1:2017)

Status: Upphävd

· Ersätts av: SS-EN ISO 945-1:2019
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Standard Svensk standard · SS-EN ISO 945-1:2018

Mikrostruktur i gjutjärn - Del 1: Grafitklassificering genom visuell provning (ISO 945-1:2017)
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ISO 945-1:2017 specifies a method of classifying the microstructure of graphite in cast irons by comparative visual analysis.
The purpose of this document is to provide information about the method of graphite classification. It is not intended to give information on the suitability of cast-iron types and grades for any particular application.
The particular material grades are specified mainly by mechanical properties and, in the case of austenitic and abrasion resistant cast irons, by their chemical composition. The interpretation of graphite form and size does not allow a statistically valid statement on the fulfilment of the requirements specified in the relevant material standard.


Textilier Allmänt (59.080.01) Gjut- och tackjärn (77.080.10)

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Standard Svensk standard · SS-EN ISO 945-1:2018

Mikrostruktur i gjutjärn - Del 1: Grafitklassificering genom visuell provning (ISO 945-1:2017)
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Språk: Engelska

Framtagen av: Gjutet järn och stål, SIS/TK 130

Internationell titel: Microstructure of cast irons - Part 1: Graphite classification by visual analysis (ISO 945-1:2017)

Artikelnummer: STD-80001444

Utgåva: 2

Fastställd: 2018-02-22

Antal sidor: 48

Ersätter: SS-EN ISO 945-1:2008

Ersätts av: SS-EN ISO 945-1:2019