Standard Svensk standard · SS-EN 9101:2018

Kvalitetsledningssystem - Revisionskrav för rymdfarts-, luftfarts- och försvarsorganisationer

Status: Upphävd

· Ersätts av: SS-EN 9101:2023
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Standard Svensk standard · SS-EN 9101:2018

Kvalitetsledningssystem - Revisionskrav för rymdfarts-, luftfarts- och försvarsorganisationer
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1.1 General
This document defines requirements for the preparation and execution of the audit process. In addition, it defines the content and composition for the audit reporting of conformity and process effectiveness to the EN 9100-series standards, the organization's QMS documentation, and customer and statutory/regulatory requirements.
The requirements in this document are additions or represent changes to the requirements and guidelines in the standards for conformity assessment, auditing, and certification as published by ISO/IEC (i. e., EN ISO/IEC 17000, EN ISO/IEC 17021-1). When there is conflict with these standards, the requirements of the EN 9101 standard shall take precedence.
NOTE 1 In this standard, the term "EN 9100-series standards" comprises the following Aerospace Quality Management System (AQMS) standards: EN 9100, EN 9110, and EN 9120; developed by the IAQG and published by various national standards bodies.
NOTE 2 In addition to this standard, the IAQG publishes deployment support material on the IAQG website (see that can be used by audit teams, when executing the audit process.
1.2 Application
This document shall be used for audits of EN 9100-series standards by CBs for certification of organizations, under the auspices of the aviation, space, and defence industry certification scheme [also known as the Industry Controlled Other Party (ICOP) scheme]. The ICOP scheme requirements are defined in the EN 9104-series standards (i. e., EN 9104-001, EN 9104-002, EN 9104-003).
NOTE Relevant parts of this standard can also be used by an organization in support of internal audits (1st party) and external audits at suppliers (2nd party).


Ledningssystem (03.100.70) Kvalitetsledning och kvalitetssäkring (03.120.10) Produkt- och företagscertifiering, försäkran om överenskommelse (03.120.20) Flygplan och rymdfarkoster Allmänt (49.020)

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Standard Svensk standard · SS-EN 9101:2018

Kvalitetsledningssystem - Revisionskrav för rymdfarts-, luftfarts- och försvarsorganisationer
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Språk: Engelska

Framtagen av: Standardiseringsarbete utan svenskt deltagande, SIS/TK 998

Internationell titel: Quality Management Systems - Audit Requirements for Aviation, Space, and Defence Organisations

Artikelnummer: STD-80005381

Utgåva: 4

Fastställd: 2018-07-04

Antal sidor: 40

Ersätter: SS-EN 9101:2015

Ersätts av: SS-EN 9101:2023